The Best Summer Activities To Do With Your Children
Now that life is finally returning to some semblance of normality following the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have found yourself trying to think of some fun ways to spend the summer with your children.
Now that life is finally returning to some semblance of normality following the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have found yourself trying to think of some fun ways to spend the summer with your children.
If you're stuck for ideas, though, have no fear - we're here to help.
In this blog post, we will run through some of the best ways to enjoy the summer sunshine together as a family.
Whether you're looking for something more outdoorsy and adventurous, or indoors and creative, we cover all bases to ensure your summer will be a truly memorable one. Let's get started.
Children love getting their hands dirty, so why not use that to your advantage?
With the summer sunshine finally here as well, now is the ideal time to head into the garden and teach your children how to have green fingers.
Ask them what their favourite fruits and vegetables are, then show them how they can make them with just a little bit of sunshine, water and TLC.
From cherry tomatoes to ripe red strawberries, have your children help you out as your 'personal assistant' and watch their face light up as they tuck into the literal fruits of their labour.
While on the subject of food, teaching your children how to bake is a great activity to think about whenever the British weather turns ugly.
Don't let the lack of sunshine get you down - put a smile back on your children's faces by working together to create a collection of cakes, scones, cookies, brownies, or whatever delicious delicacies take your fancy.
Plus, learning how to bake is an important life skill for your children to know. So, by teaching them the basics, you'll be putting them in greater stead for later life.
Oh, and you also get the bonus of tucking into a number of tasty treats. What's not to like?
If your children are a big fan of Bear Grylls, then why not allow them to embrace their inner adventurer? Grab some snacks, supplies and a tent, and head on out into the wilderness.
Whether it be your own back garden, a local campsite or - if you're feeling especially brave - the heart of a local forest, there are a number of great places to set up camp for a night or two.
While you're there, you'll not only be able to teach your children several valuable life skills - like how to pitch a tent, identify forest wildlife or start a campfire - but you'll also be able to create a truly memorable experience that you and your family will cherish forever.
For more great ideas on activities and things to do with your children this summer, why not take a look at our Facebook page? Here you will be able to join IQ Cards' very own community of parents and children, read their ideas and share any suggestions of your own.