children helping with chores

How To Encourage Your Children To Help Around The House

If you're tired of always picking up after your children, don't worry - we're here to help.Whether it be the clothes your children seem to somehow leave everywhere or all the dusting, cleaning, food prep, cooking, driving and washing up you do...


If you're tired of always picking up after your children, don't worry - we're here to help.Whether it be the clothes your children seem to somehow leave everywhere or all the dusting, cleaning, food prep, cooking, driving and washing up you do for them on a daily basis, being a parent can - at times - seem fairly non-stop.

So, why not encourage your children to help out where they can?

After all, it's all well and good trying to be a 'super parent', but teaching your children why they should help with household chores is arguably much more important.

With this in mind, join us as we look at three effective ways of encouraging your children to do exactly that - lending a helping hand around the house when you need it most.


Create A Cleaning Rota

First things first, it's important to think about the household chores your children can actually help out with. As nice as it may sound, it's probably not the best idea to let your children mow the lawn or clear the gutters until they're at least a little bit older...

Once you have identified the jobs your children can help out with, create a cleaning rota which clearly states who in the family is responsible for performing a particular task on a certain day or week.

That way, you will not only be sharing out the responsibility in a fairer way but you'll also be making it much easier to see which of your children aren't pulling their weight around the house.


Offer An Incentive

Whether it be a musical instrument, a video game or the latest in Marvel or Peppa Pig-based toys, every child has something they wish they could have. So, why not use this to your advantage?

By offering some kind of incentive or reward to your children, this should not only encourage them to help you out around the home but also teach them the value of money - effectively killing two birds with one stone.

You don't necessarily need to offer a money-based incentive either. You could, for example, create a points-based system for your children to complete jobs, encouraging them to work harder to reach that final reward.

The harder the task, the more points they get, the quicker the chores get done and the sooner they receive their reward. Simple!


Make It Fun!

Household chores don't always have to be boring. With a little bit of creative, out of the box thinking, you could even persuade your children to put down their phones, get off TikTok and, actually enjoy helping out around the house.

From making a competition out of who can hang the washing out the quickest to creating a song to pass the time while hoovering, there are a number of innovative ways to make typically tedious household tasks a lot more fun.


For more fool proof ways of encouraging your children to help out at home, why not join IQ Cards' Facebook community? Here you will be able to see a whole range of other ideas from parents and offer any of your own hints and tips.